Release Process

This document aims to outline the process that should be followed for cutting a new release of cert-manager.

Minor releases

A minor release is a backwards-compatible ‘feature’ release. It can contain new features and bug fixes.

Release schedule

We aim to cut a new minor release once per month. The rough goals for each release are outlined as part of a GitHub milestone. We cut a release even if some of these goals are missed, in order to keep up release velocity.


Note: This process document is WIP and may be incomplete

The process for cutting a minor release is as follows:

  1. Ensure upgrading document exists.

  2. Ensure all strings of versions have been updated.

  • in the jetstack/cert-manager repository
    • deploy/charts/cert-manager/
  • in the cert-manager/webisite repository
    • content/en/docs/installation/
    • content/en/docs/installation/
    • content/en/docs/installation/
  1. Create a new release branch (e.g. release-0.5)

  2. Push it to the jetstack/cert-manager repository

  3. Gather release notes since the previous release:

Download, install and run the latest version of release-notes:

$ go get; go install $GOPATH/src/
$ mkdir -p design/release-notes/release-*X.Y*
$ export GITHUB_TOKEN=*your-token*
$ $GOPATH/bin/release-notes -release-version v*X.Y* -github-repo cert-manager -github-org jetstack -requiredAuthor "" -start-sha=$(git rev-parse *X.Y-1.0*) -end-sha=$(git rev-parse HEAD) -output design/release-notes/release-*X.Y*/

Add additional blurb, notable items and characterize change log.

Finally, create a new tag taken from the release branch, e.g.v0.5.0.

Patch releases

A patch release contains critical bug fixes for the project. They are managed on an ad-hoc basis, and should only be required when critical bugs/regressions are found in the release.

We will only perform patch release for the current version of cert-manager.

Once a new minor release has been cut, we will stop providing patches for the version before it.

Release schedule

Patch releases are cut on an ad-hoc basis, depending on recent activity on the release branch.


Note: This process document is WIP and may be incomplete

Bugs that need to be fixed in a patch release should be cherry picked into the appropriate release branch using the ./hack/ script in this repository.

The process for cutting a patch release is as follows:

  1. Ensure all strings of versions have been updated:
  • deploy/charts/cert-manager/
  • docs/getting-started/install/kubernetes.rst
  • docs/getting-started/install/openshift.rst
  • docs/getting-started/webhook.rst
  • docs/tutorials/acme/quick-start/index.rst
  1. Iterate on review feedback (hopefully this will be minimal) and submit changes to master of cert-manager, performing a rebase of release-x.y.

  2. Gather release notes since the previous release:

    $ go get; go install $GOPATH/src/
    $ mkdir -p design/release-notes/release-*X.Y*
    $ export GITHUB_TOKEN=*your-token*
    $ $GOPATH/bin/release-notes -release-version v*X.Y* -github-repo cert-manager -github-org jetstack -requiredAuthor "" -start-sha=$(git rev-parse *X.Y.Z-1*) -end-sha=$(git rev-parse release-*X.Y*) -output design/release-notes/release-*X.Y*/draft-release-notes-*Z*.md

Add additional blurb, notable items and characterize change log.

Finally, create a new tag taken from the release branch, e.g. v0.5.1.

Last modified January 1, 0001